Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Guide on How to Write a Great Video Game Story

A Guide on How to Write a Great Video Game Story If you love video games because this is a great and innovative way to tell a story, then you must be wondering how people write them. Even beyond the difficulties connected with game developing, this medium looks pretty complicated. However, writing a script is not that difficult, if you don’t have the ambition to write a 100+ hour game. Like any other narrative, a game script highly depends on the approach you take. In this post we will discuss the entire process and character building, so you will get some basic notion of game script writing. What makes a good story in a game? There is a number of features that make a good game – the interactivity, the universe, the mechanics. And what about the storytelling? There is no specific formula for an effective narrative in any storytelling medium. It doesn’t depend on one audience’s preferences too much, because some gamers like the exploration and quests, while the others are found of combat. However, there is one common element for all types of games – the dynamic connected with a player-character. The dynamic dictates that a character and a player are one and a character cannot do something that a player wouldn’t. This is why gamers prefer games over movies – they want to feel the control over the story. This means that a player cannot experience the moment when he thinks, â€Å"There is no way my character can do this.† A good plot keeps the balance here. Of course, characters have some traits that are unlike the players, however, there is no chance that a character may speak or know about some unfamiliar things that took place in the past. By the way, this is the reason why so many games start with the character’s amnesia. The other important feature is interactivity, which gives a player the right of choice. In some games, this is a choice between watching a TV or doing dishes, while the in the others this choice is connected with the entire world. How to write a video game script? Decide the main storyline and make an outline If you have different ending ideas and want to include them in your story, you have to outline the main line first. Despite all the possible endings, a player has to go through the listing of them and make a decision. Of course, if you are writing a story with a single ending, then the major line is much easier to create. In any case, an outline is absolutely crucial to compose. What kind of game is it? If you think that game’s mechanics is not something a writer should care about, then you are wrong. So you should decide what kind of game it is: Role-playingActionPuzzlesFirst-person shooter These are the basic types, of course. Don’t forget about the hybrids! The universe development In most cases, the universe of the game is even more important than a character. Don’t forget that a player will view the world more than a character, even if it is a third-person game. The game’s universe deeply depends on the way the player perceives the character development. It means that the universe’s culture and lore depend on how much your character can explore. Create the main characters Once you have decided the main structure of the universe, you have to create the main character and the prominent ones, such as his companions and villains. Creating a video game character is similar to creating a character of any other story until you include the possibilities that may change character’s behavior. The story’s flow When you have your characters and the main line, you will have to create the deviations of the story as well as any changes that can emerge. Also, this includes developing any side quests that will complement the main flow. Elements that may fill your story out Non-playable characters These are the characters a player can communicate with. Sometimes, they may tell jokes, give some hints or reveal information about the game’s world. Side quests Players usually love the side quests that sprinkle throughout the world. They don’t have to affect the main plot too much but can contribute to the mission’s success. Items In addition to some obvious things like armor and weapons, you may also add letters, notes and other small clues that may help your player to complete the quest. When it comes to the additional items, only the sky is a limit, so be creative! Of course, there are other details in every game script, but these most common ones will give you a good start. So, tinker with them the way you want and most important – have fun!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Evacuation of Children Essay Example

Evacuation of Children Essay Example Evacuation of Children Essay Evacuation of Children Essay Source A is a picture taken of evacuees walking towards a station in 1938. The people are in London, where the most amount of people evacuated out of Britains major cities. The faces of the children are happy and optimistic as though they are looking forward to this process. The source, however, does not indicate whether the picture was teken by the government for use as propanganda. Everyone in the photograph are waving and looking at the same point into the camera which could mean they were ordered to pose like that. Source B is an interview held in 1988 with a teacher who was evacuated with children during the Second World war. This account gives a more relistic feel on how it moust have felt for mothers to be sepertaed from their children The children were too afraid to talk, Mothers werent allowed with us the atmosphere then would have felt uneasy for the children, as the rush into evacuation made children feel confused and unsure where their planned destination would be. The evacuation process was very formal We put the children on the train and the gates closed behind us and mothers didnt know how to act as the majority didnt have a clue where their children were off to and when they were going to see their children again. Source C is an extract from a novel about evacuees. As it is fiction, we do not know whether to interpret the story as being true. The novel could have been partly based on true accounts from evacuees. The source begins with Not a speck of dust anywhere as though this was a shocked reactionfrom the children about the cleanliness of their new home. People from the city were stereotyped as being poor and unhygenic. The children in the novel are taken in by a hostess who clearly knows nothing about the city life, Im sorry, how silly of me, why should you have slippers? she is casting her prejudice thoughts before the children can offer an explanation. Some foster parents thought that children would bring diesease into their home, as most evacuees where poorer children from the larger industrial cities. Source D is an advertisement issued by the government in 1940. it appeals for more people in Scotland to provide homes for evacuee children. There is a picture of a typical blond, British girl and boy, with large smiles on their faces and a large quote follows, Thank you foster Parents We want more like you! giving thankfullness and praise if adults followed the appeal. the advertisement has been written in a formal style, even discussing the fact that looking after these children would be Extra work. Taking in evacuees was seen by adults as helping the war effort To share in the present task and to be ready for any crisis that may come. The idea of loving the children doesnt seem to be an issue. It is as though it is more of a hassle that others have to face with and work together to feel as thought they are helping the war. Source E is an interview with a parent in May 1940. It is clear he lives in the city as he explains he does not want his son to go to The Shires as They were already starving before the war The father has stereotyped people fromt he countryside, beliving that there would be no facilities or knowledge for looking after his son appropriately. This resistance of letting his son go could be his inner feelings of fear for he may not be able to see his son again well, what if I got killed? Who would look after him then? The parents really loved their children and used whatever excuse they could to advoid the parternal seperation. Source F is an account from a Londoner who was evacuated in June 1940, from South London to Barnstaple in Devonshire, I think our foster mother found us a bit hard to understand with our somewhat more worldly outlook and ways. I am grateful to her for taking us in as it could not have been easy to handle two lively young strangers, and we were warm and comfortable and well fed at all times. This quote shows the general feeling of evacuation as most cases were left with a positive note. People understood that they were helping the war effort and felt even though this was hard work, it was easier to deal with because the whole nation was going through the same process,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individual Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Individual Reflection - Essay Example We chose group consultancy model and with prior difficulties experienced with international students, it looked such a daunting task. Having had created a clear decision on this issue, I had decided that issues to do with group dynamics would be handled with a high sense of caution. We however got a group that would work very well for me. Using Tuckman’s stages of developing a group, the activities of the group seemed to go along well from the time of the group coming together to the level of initiating all the projects (Belbin, 1993, p 33). Our group consisted of five students. Some ties were strong while others were not but for the sake of the group work, we got along. There was a preliminary discussion that put together all our strengths and weaknesses as well as the experiences that we all went through in year 2. The ‘forming' part of the theory did not therefore take time to establish because I found out everybody was flexible enough as stated by Cassidy (2007) The ‘storming’ part of the theory was also done quickly because after a suggestion on the Burngreave Messenger newspaper group. There was a quick move from ‘forming’ to ‘norming’ as after the storming stage; a meeting was organized (Furnham, Steele & Pendleton, 1993). The tasks were broken down into two; primary and secondary research tasks. The final part in Tuckman, which is about performing was more useful. All the group members were aware of their tasks and the expected deadlines. We were of trust to each other and believed in our ability to perform with the best level of flexibility. Arguments against Tuckman’s theory use arose and this was just a proof of Belbin (1993) would argue that in a group that had so many roles, just taking primary and secondary sectioning was wasting of human resources(Guardian, 2012, p. 03). That was however expected. Belbin insists of norming and forming extremely rapidly for a better result. The project was done based on the two methods we had decided on where three of us carried out a primary research about the Burngreave Messenger to ascertain its strength among the residents of this Sheffield region. This was done through primary research by use of a questionnaire. The issues of social media came up as well as trying to establish the effects of the social media on the Burngreave Messenger newspaper. This was done through both primary and secondary researc

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should College Football Players be paid Research Paper

Should College Football Players be paid - Research Paper Example This unfair situation should be remedied by immediately establishing steps towards the payment of the football players. Unfortunately, there is strong opposition against such effort, primarily from the school administrators themselves. Nevertheless, it must be made clear that the payment of the players’ services is not just because they are making their schools famous. Even without monetary compensation, these players would certainly work hard to win championships because of their loyalty to the schools where they belong. Still, they deserve to be paid because the schools are actually earning from them also, not just for indirect promotions, but for actually taking part in a revenue-generating spectator sport. The NCAA, particularly its football tournaments, has become a big business, which is why the players should get what is due to them for their hard work. Should College Football Players be Paid? College football players contribute so much in promoting their respective sch ools. They certainly do not only make the colleges and universities in which they are enrolled in proud; they also encourage other prospective students to entertain studying it too. As a result, these athletes may well be considered as the schools’ instruments for increasing the number of enrollees per school year or semester. Since these academic institutions also function as businesses, earning income through tuition, increased enrollment naturally means more revenues to be collected. In a way, college football players should be provided with a percentage of the income they generated for the school. They should be paid not for making their school proud but for utilizing their skills in order to make it earn. The sentiment in favor of having college football players paid by the school is actually gaining support from different sectors already. This is particularly because the public is already very much aware that the NCAA is already a multi-million dollar business. A report from USA Today points out that the â€Å"NCAA averages better than half a billion dollars a year in revenue† and that does not include payouts from the 28 football bowls, which exceed $184 million and go to the conferences† (Whiteside 2004). This means that aside from the indirect financial advantages that schools can generate from enrollment, these could also profit from the premier collegiate tournament itself, especially because the games are often televised and just like the professional leagues, also earn from the TV endorsements. These millions of dollars definitely are not gained because of the member-schools of the NCAA doubled or tripled their respective enrollment rates. Instead these are generated because the student athletes trained hard in order to perform well in the games. Their diligence in the training programs in which they all underwent ultimately raised the level of quality of the games, particularly football. In fact, many observers would point out that many college football players already possess the skills commonly seen among the pros. Another argument why school administrators can certainly allocate funds for paying their respective football players is that some coaches in Division 1-A actually make more that $1 million dollars a year. In the Southeastern Conference or SEC, where the some of the country’s top college football teams are found, â€Å"

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Research paper on Libya Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Libya - Research Paper Example The second event which marked the Italian colonialization of Turkey was the development of the Fourth Shore. Mussolini wanted to turn Libya into an Italian province and hence renamed it, Italy’s Fourth Shore. Remaking Libya began with dividing it into four provinces and investing heavily into its transportation infrastructure, irrigation technology and raw material extraction industry. It finally ended with the creation of the Libyan Colonization Society which promoted land reclamation and job creation for Italian settlers. As World War II began, and Italy pledged its allegiance to Germany, Cyrenaican and Tripolitanian leaders announced their support to the Allies led by Sayid Idris. After a tough war, Libya came under the Allied administration, in February 1943, which lasted till 24th December 1951, when Libya became the first country to attain autonomy through the United Nations. Headed by King Idris I, United Kingdom of Libya proclaimed its sovereignty as a constitutional a nd hereditary monarchy. Present Leader: The present president of Libya is Mohammed el-Megarif, who is also the chairman of the General National Congress. Current Political Context: 10 months after overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi’s dictatorial rule, Libya elected its new democratic government in August 2012, which was to be led by Mohammed el-Megarif. While Mohammed el-Megarif represented the National Front Party, in the elections, his opponent Ali Zaidan, was an independent candidate. Both candidates had a lush history of opposing the tyrannical Gaddafi and had been living in exile till his recent death. For the people of Libya who had been wearily waiting for the chaos and turmoil to end, this has come as a cry of relief. For many people, the election process itself has been a liberating experience, having served under a dictatorial leader for so long. The democratically elected government is backed by people’s faith in them and hosts a competent cabinet. Youth who forme d a majority of the voting population, were happy with the election results as they believed that the National Forces Alliance would be able to bring about policy changes in the functioning of Libya. The election results also spoke a great deal about the acceptance of religious ideologies among the general public. The chaos tired citizens chose to stay away from any candidate gunning a religious propaganda and the results promoted a fair and free government. Nonetheless, the government seeks to establish itself in the midst of the ongoing turmoil and in the attempt to ascertain peace and stability; it has to earn people’s respect by providing them security both physical and material, at the same time bring together opposing forces of the militia to build a stronger base. Economics & Art/Culture Sub-Heading: Libya – Holder of largest oil reserves in Africa Currency: Libyan Dinar (LYD) Major Economic Features: Libya holds Africa’s largest oil reserves and hence, i ts major products are crude oil, natural gas and refined petroleum products. The country revolves around its energy sector because poor soil and unsuitable climatic conditions limit the output that is gained from agriculture. According to CIA’s World Factbook, â€Å"95% of export earnings, 80% of GDP, and 99% of government revenue†

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Application Of Wind Environmental Sciences Essay

The Application Of Wind Environmental Sciences Essay Wind comes from the suns uneven heating onto the earth surfaces, as hot air raises cold air sinks; there is a change in pressure, from high to low. Hence the change in pressure generated the movement of the air, as such wind is produced. Wind can be identifying as air in motion. Application of wind came a long way back to the past; during ancient time, sea explorers use wind with the help of the sails to sail through the seven seas. As for agriculture, farmers built simple windmills to grind the grains and also to pump water from the flowing rivers. And as technology advances, companies and researchers are coming up with designs and solutions to harness wind as a source of power in a greater scale. The Growth of Wind Power As technologies increases within time, human beings tends to create new things to ease works in life. Hence technology took a great part in the growth of wind power. In the earlier days, wind power was first used as mechanical power; this mechanical power was generated through the help of wind mill. The four blades wind mill generates mechanical power which helps to basically do all sorts of task: pumping of water, grinding of grains or even sawing of woods. But things changed in the 19th century, where electrical generators are introduced; people tried to fit in electrical generator into the wind mills in order to harness electricity. But results were not that ideal and slowly this electricity harnessing wind mills are forgotten. Even though such technology did die down or went missing for a century or so, it came back with a larger version of the olden days wind mill, it is called the wind turbine. Wind turbines first started off from rural areas where there are hills and mountains, which are known as onshore wind turbines or wind farms. But slowly it emerged with the help of new technology into shallow waters; shallow waters are places near the seas or oceans where they are nearer to the shore and easy to access. Then again technology took wind turbines studies to another level, which is what all companies had an eye on: deep water wind turbines. The evolution of wind mills to wind turbines till the recent offshore wind power, the next section we will be looking at the new wind power. What is Wind Power? A single wind turbine consists of a tower acting as a base and a fan-like propeller attached to the top of the base; energy is harnessed through the wind and the propeller. A series of wind turbines made up to a wind farm, a one stop of electrical energy power station. Advantages of Wind Power in General. Firstly, there is an abundant of wind everywhere; anywhere there is a high velocity of wind could be the location of a wind turbine. Secondly, during the operation of wind turbines and wind farms there are no air or land pollutions reported. It reduces global carbon foot prints. Thirdly, wind turbines come in a range of sizes and designs to cater to different needs. Lastly, with the increment of wind farms the cost of electricity may decrease. Disadvantages of Wind Power in General. Firstly, even though wind is abundant; wind is more or less predictable through seasons. There are possibilities of unsteady wind flow which might lead to wind farms not being able to produce enough electricity or power as per its peak. Secondly, wind farms produce silent pollution. As wind farms are greatly known as the non-polluting energy, little that many knows that it still do it parts in pollution; not to the environment but to the surrounding people. Pollutions like noise and vibration produced by operating the turbines. Types of wind power In Chapter 1 section 1.2 The Growth of Wind Power, it states that wind power have been brunched out into three different groups, namely: Onshore, Shallow Water and Deep Water, which is also known as offshore. In the later chapters of this literature review, we will look at the different types of wind power in depth. WindmillOnshore wind farm wind farm california The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms Onshore wind farm lynn and inner dowsing wind farm1 The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms Offshore wind farm floating wind turbine The Worlds Most Amazing Wind Farms Floating deep water wind turbine : Onshore Wind Farm 2.1 Introduction on Onshore Wind Farm Onshore wind farms are modules of wind turbines which are formed in a certain pattern or layout; and they are largely situated in area which is open freely to wind flow of supply between 5-15 m/s. Mostly over at the sub-urban areas: agriculture, country-side and mountain or hill tops. It is located mostly in U.S.A. and a few are in the United Kingdom, China and Australia. And as of 2012, the worlds largest onshore wind farm in terms of Current Capacity is Alta Wind Energy Centre in the USA; with 1020 MW on the record. 2.2 Two Types of Onshore Wind Turbines For Onshore wind turbines it is commonly categorized under two groups, namely: Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). As per what the name HAWT says, its blades are designed to be parallel to the ground where as for VAWT; its blades are designed perpendicularly to the ground. horizontal axis wind turbineVertical Axis Wind Turbine HAWT VAWT For Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT), there are three different designs under its belt: Design(s): Designs brief: Up wind turbines This design usually comes with a tail-like rudder that controls the hub and the blades so as to make sure the turbine will counter the wind direction at all times, even when there is a change of direction of the wind. Down wind turbines This design is of such that the wind will come in contact with the tower before it reaches the blades. Shrouded wind turbines This design has an additional of a structure which resembles a funnel that will capture the maximum flow of the wind to the blades. As for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT), there are two different designs, namely: Savonius wind turbine and Darrieus wind turbine. Fig. 2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Both Types Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Advantages Disadvantages Self-start system Single direction wind intake Stand-alone design 2. Installation is tedious Able to harness high speed wind Relevant to electricity Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Advantages Disadvantages Wind intake from all direction Needs a mechanism to start Installation is easy, as lesser materials are use Require mooring in order to support the structure Design only caters to slow wind speeds 2.4 Issues and Problems Affects Avian During the late 1980s it has been reported that birds are found death or injured by the wind turbines. Birds in the United States namely the Golden Eagles and the Red-tailed Hawks were being killed by the wind turbines or by electrocution. As both types of avian spices are under the federals protection scheme, it draws wildlife and avian activists attentions. And slowly as the increase of wind farms being built in the different parts of the world, it started to harm the birds living around the farms. Birds being killed by collisions with the turbines; airplanes has their own flight zone, so does the birds, having a wind farms situated right in the flight zone will eventually cause more damages to the birds living in that area. As more wind turbines and electrical cables are built and planted, birds being electrocuted are common; as birds will tend to build the nest on the hub or on top of the tower, electrocutions are inevitable. Migration of bird spices; having foreign objects or obstacles in the birds daily life does increase the tendency of it shifting to somewhere else. But then again the problem lies with how many in total percentage of the birds managed to survive through migration. With issues surfaced, engineers and activists came up ways to resolve it; by reducing the turbines to be built in flight zones, clearing of birds nests and not to expose electrical cables. Noise Pollutions For wind turbines, there are two types of contribution to the noise pollution, namely: aerodynamic noise and mechanical noise. Aerodynamic noise is produced by the turbines blades, which creates sounds with rotating blades. Whereas for mechanical noise, it is produced by the fiction and the gears in the hubs. Some noises are inaudible and some are not which are produced by the wind turbines that is built in the sub-urban areas are harming the people that lives there. Drives Holiday-makers Away

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I AM SAM :: essays research papers

I Am Sam was an enlighten story of a struggle of a man and his daughter to stay together. In this movie the director showed the viewers a realistic situation between family and state. The director also did an excellent job portraying the illustration of the main character (Sam) and his daughter (Lucy) personal struggle within. This story showed the importance of love and family. The movie I Am Sam introduces conflict between the family and state. The main character (Sam) and his daughter (Lucy) represent the family and Social Services represent the state. The conflict is first seen in the movie when Sam’s daughter Lucy becomes age seven. At the age of seven Lucy is smarter than her mentally-retarded forty year-old man with autistic tendencies. When the Department of Social Services discovers this situation they take action. The conflict also toke place due to the fact that Sam had to rely on help from his friends, including his eccentric neighbor (Diane Wiest) and a lovable group of similarly challenged friends to care for his child. Sam’s struggle within himself was a hard and usual struggle unlike any thing that ordinary people go through in their every day life. He didn’t just have to adjust to the fact that the mother of his child left him alone with their child after giving birth. Sam was an mentally-retarded forty year-old man with autistic tendencies, who had the responsibility of raising a daughter. His daughter Lucy on the other hand had her own battle to fight. Lucy realizing at the age seven she was smarter than her farther. Even at a young age Lucy understood the importance of this and tried to hide this.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Women in Slave Comunity

WOMEN IN SLAVE COMMUNITIES Slavery is the saddest period of human’s history. What slaves went through was really hard and it takes strong people to survive to that’s situation. They not only had to work every day of their lives without any compensation, but they were also broken down morally and separated from their families. Slaves were not treated as humans. They were treated as objects and machines and the only thing they were supposed to do were to obey to their masters, and if not, they would get beaten up, whipped or even killed. This is clearly shown on the Angela Davis’s essay, Reflection on the Black Woman’s Role in the Community of Slaves. But if slavery was hard for men, for women was so much harder because they had to work all day on the plantations like animals and at the end of the day they had to take care of the master’s house, cook, clean, and take care of everything else. They had no other choice. The next morning they had to wake up early in four in the morning and do the same thing fro the rest of their lives; no future, no hope, nothing to keep them going. Slaves didn’t even have the support of their families because they were separated from them. The mother would get separated from their child as soon as they were born and they were not supposed to see their own blood. They had no right to the family, to get married ect. If two slaves would be in love with each other, they would have their rituals and ceremonies to â€Å"get marries† within slavery, but still they didn’t have the right as a woman or as a husband. The masters could have sex with any woman they wanted and the â€Å"husband† could do nothing about it; they had no right on their own lives and of course they didn’t have any rights in protecting their women. What stood up to me is that, how did these women, having this huge role in slave communities, how did they find the time to fulfill their duties? They didn’t have any motivation. Even when they tried to rebel against their masters by poisoning the food or put the house in fire, they would get killed, burned, hanged ect. It is funny how women in today’s days complain about the smallest thing; they complain that they have to go to work and take care of their babies and houses, and they complain that it is too much. All I hear around me is the expression â€Å"I am so tired,† â€Å"Didn’t get enough sleep last night,† etc and when I think about these woman that had to work on the plantations all day long in the worst weather and with no brakes, they had to go home back to their maters and take care of the house as well, and they had to wake up really early in the morning to do the same thing over again. That is really sad and not fair. I am glad that that type of slavery is over but I don’t understand why there is still discrimination and racism out there.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on Risk Management Research on International Markets

Analytical Essay Sample on Risk Management Research on International Markets Risk Management Plan brings into perspective the significant role that security plays in the livelihoods of people across the globe. It particularly assesses the power of art as a form of investment for a country. The market has a unique design that gives prospective investors in the industry the urge and opportunity to learn more about risks and ways of enhancing investment into the rapidly growing industry. A comprehensive research concerning the expected benefits and probable challenges is critical to the realization of the fortunes of investors in the markets. Knowledge about the global market for an investor in art industry is fundamental to every investor around the world irrespective of gender, race, language or nationality. A survey of the market shall not only take into account the vicissitudes of the international arts market but also examine market history, buying patterns and the projected trend in the future for many countries worldwide. Risk Management Plan provides more long-term returns as compared to many other investments. In addition, it has an attractive risk as well as return profile. Investors in this rapidly growing industry must consider all the advantages and disadvantages that come along with investment in art markets. Economic impact or implications on the other hand adopts and implements a broader perspective in relation to the general economy of the host country. This relates to the examination of the possible economic objectives in relation to transformation of the GDP performance, reduction of unemployment rate, and attraction of relevant investment in the context of the host nations across the globe. The organization and execution of the event might be too expensive to generate economic rents thus deterioration of the situation through activities such as transformation of huge events to form ‘white elephants’ projects. These projects might jeopardize the economic growth and development of the host nations after the conclusion of the event through overcrowding the growth and development plan. The essay seeks to examine and analyze the international markets while specifically taking into consideration the gains once they complete their move to venture and endeavor fully into the industry.. The current Wall Street economic meltdown accentuates the value of investing mainly as a substitute to stocks and bonds. For instance, the US economy and major world economies experienced one of the most devastating economic crises that adversely affected trading in stocks and bonds as well as other economic activities in respective countries. The International Markets has been a subject in which most investors across the globe have taken keen interest. Pitiable performance of stocks and bonds in the world market has triggered most investors worldwide to reconsider their investment destinations. Although risk management investment might not live to the expectations of many investors in the short run, it is an ideal option for investors in the industry who want to accomplish the gains of investing in art in the long-term basis. Despite the impending challenges that are affecting every industry in the world today, initiation of risk management emerged as one industry in the world least devastated by economic downturns. Investors are quickly shifting their investment strategies from the traditional venture in stocks and bonds to relatively dynamic and vibrant industries even during economic crisis. Risk Tools and Techniques section The research process entails assessment of secondary materials to understand the origin and evolution of international art markets. Over the past three decades, countries under the European Union have dominated the market producing variety of art products. In addition, they have had some of the prolific artists in the history of art and international art market in general. However, things changed with growing interest of countries such as China and US in the art market. America has in effect taken over the world art holding the largest stake while China now occupies second place. Theories Many theories have attempted to explain the origin and developments of art market over the past years. Constant inventions and innovations have played critical part to the process of expanding art market, which has in turn enabled the market to accommodate several new players over a relatively shorter period. State of the Art has been an overriding philosophy that has enabled major world economies step up effort to enjoy bigger command of the market. However, China has facilitated its creativity and innovation with the ultimate reward being total dominance of the world Fine Arts. Risk Management for both the qualitative and quantitative The international arts market has accomplished remarkable progress amid economic turbulences economies of the world. Although European countries were the dominant economies in the market of arts and artists, America and China seem to have taken going by the percentage stake they currently hold in the global market. China in particular has excelled in fine arts for the past two decades overtaking even the United States. Even though the rapidly growing Asian country is currently second overall, chances are that China might topple America by 2030. America has however increased its investment in other forms of art, which run into millions of US dollars. Dwindling economic performance has been one of the challenging situations for America as compared to China. For instance, the global economic downturn of 2008 posed great challenge to America even as they put on brave face to revive the diminishing fortunes in the international arts market. Many researches show an upward trend in growth o f a sector that has played critical role to revive American economy. The UK holds substantial stake in the international arena of arts. However, the current stake is still far below the country’s share of the market about three decades ago. The China factor has been the major reason to the dwindling fortunes of UK and many other European countries as the former has put up string determination toward taking control of the most vibrant section of the art. In essence, China leads in fine arts going by the amount of products it has released in the market recently. Fine arts have been a major contributor to the overall GDP of China for the last ten years. Incidentally, the major economic crises have had less impact to the growth prospects of the China economy relative to American or even the economy of countries falling under the European Union. It took advantage of the bad economic record of the Western countries in 2011 to expand its economic base exploring new markets for art products among other finished products. The country is among the leading exporters and importers around the world going by the scale of imports and exports in past few decades. The US has however emerged as the greatest competitor of China of all tim es going by its GDP, amount of investment in various sectors of the economy, and level of imports and exports across all pillars of the economy. Poor performance of the countries of the European Union has been subject to speculation and scrutiny though changing economic and political fortunes have been the major cause. The conceptual framework for the risk management plan helps in describing shared vision, which provides coherence for both advanced and initial art works. Focusing on various themes, the conceptual frameworks helps in preparing artists who will be in a position to apply their knowledge and skills to reflect and refine art practices. The frameworks will also help in identifying and solving problems in the contemporary art works. In this case, the Conceptual framework will be beneficial for researchers when it comes to guiding their inquiries. The framework will also present the researchers in relation to art works either internationally or in specific literatures. The Conceptual framework for the International art works will summarize the independent and dependent variables in International art works research studies and the specific relation between them. Probability and impacts section of the risk management plan Generally, the conceptual framework is the theoretical framework of its operationalization. Conceptualization entails the process of forming various ideas, which are basic. It also entails designs and plans formation basing on facts, examples and situations. In checking the conceptual framework for international art works, the article will therefore check the artist’s ideas that are basic. It will observe some of the artwork and the designs international artists implement for the International art works and their dealings. In forming these conceptualization frameworks for the International art works, the researchers will be trying to make the research work on International arts meaningful and general. Some of these theories models regarding the International arts will be essential in stimulating research and knowledge extension. This is made possible by providing impetus and direction for the study. Generally, Conceptual Framework for International artworks will clarify concep ts regarding the International art works. It will also propose relationships that exist between concepts in this study. The Conceptual Framework explains observations and encourages theories on the development, which is important in the practice The research study analyzes the necessary steps, which global countries take in transforming the art field and ensuring that the international art markets are more competitive. The research also determines the fundamental roles that the Chinese nation has played in transforming the international art markets. Being a domain of the European countries, the articles also states the roles that the nation has played in reversing the whole concept. The declining European fortune is also another major feature that the study unveils. In fact, most of the European nations experience various challenges in trying to fit in the modern art market while their stakes in the International fields seems to diminish yearly. The study also reveals how the Chinese and the American nation are leading other nations in reclaiming a big share in the art market globally. The study further reveals some of the future prospects of the global art markets. The Chinese nation is almost taking over the control of the art markets despite various by some of the countries in the West to review their art strategies in reclaiming major market stakes. The article observes that, one of the major aspects that China has undertaken in that gives it a major advantage over the rest of the Global nations is investing in Fine Arts. This aspect has given the nation a competitive advantage over the rest of the nations globally. The research study reveals that the International markets are currently shifting from the west to the East. It further claims that China is the leading country in polarity reversal when it comes to global art markets. China boosts of colossal revenues when it comes to fine Arts hence gaining considerable stakes in the International markets. It has currently surpassed most of the European nations in global rankings. Among the countries that engage in International art works, the United States is China’s biggest competitor when it comes to art market. Internationally, China occupies the second spot.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Analysis Of Abe Kobos The Red Cocoon Essays - Oddworld, Kb Abe

Analysis Of Abe Kobo's The Red Cocoon Essays - Oddworld, Kb Abe Analysis Of Abe Kobo's The Red Cocoon Generally speaking, the purpose of most forms of artistic expression such as literary art, music, or art itself is a mode by which the author can express him/herself with. They use their respective skills and/or interests to convey feelings or thoughts on any given topic. Short fiction is by no means exempt from this. Many writers use their literary skills to express dreams, aspirations, opinions, or even political viewpoints. In order to make a dertermination of a probable origin for a story, research into the authors life and beliefs most likely will prove benefical. With this in mind, Abe Kobos story The Red Cocoon seems to be a prime example of an author expressing his political viewpoints and his personal conflicts with society through literature. Given this, researching his life and political stance might help to support or negate such an assumption. The Red Cocoon begins with a man walking down a street discussing with himself the problem of not having a house to go home to. The narrator, who is also the main character, jumps abruptly from topic to topic throughout the story, but this reoccuring theme of the lack of a house seems to be a central idea. As the narrator comtemplates, he wonders if he has just forgotten his house and proceeds to knock on the door of a random house to find out if this is what has happened. After he has explained his plight to the woman who answers the door, he begins arguing with her over having proof that it is not his house. Shortly thereafter, the narrator begins to ponder wether or not things such as concrete pipes or park benches are his house. Deciding that they are on their way to belonging to someone or that they belong to everyone and not just one person, he begins to wonder if anything exsists that belongs to no one. At the end of the story, he finds that one of his legs begins to unwind in to a silk thread and wrap him up in a cocoon. Abe Kobos story is quite abstract and seems to have little meaning. In fact, that is just the opposite. After reading some information about Abe Kobo, the story seems to take on a new meaning. Abe Kobo is considered to be one of the leading authors during the post-WWII era of Japanese history. Many of his works use what was then radical artistic methods of literature (Abe Kobo). In his early childhood, Abe was living in Manchuria which was occupied by the Japanese at the time. Being born in Japan, altough Abe felt strong ties to the chinese, he was left feeling like an outsider and rejected by both societes. After the war, Abe became more and more antinationalist and was interested in marxism and communism. Soon, he even joined the Japanese Communist Party (Abe Kobo). He was quite involved in political issues at this time and many of his early writings preceding the early 60s deal with his issues about society says Clerk and Seigal in Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World (136) . With this information about Abe Kobo, an interpretation of The Red Cocoon emerges with heavy political and social tones. The narators central problem of attempting to find out why he does not have a house seems to point to not only Abes feelings of isolation during his childhood, but also his socialist political viewpoints at the time. The Red Cocoon was written in 1949, a period of Abes life when he was a strong political activist (Clerk and Seigal, 136). Utopian marxist or communist views on society center around a flat heirarchial structure where no one is more powerful or of a higher class than any other. The property of the country is reffered to as property of everyone and ownership is somewhat denounced in the strictist forms of the political stance. Abes character in The Red Cocoon seems to be having problems with ownership of houses and other pieces of property. The question is asked, Even if it isnt mine, cant there be just one thing that doesnt belong to anyone? This quest ion appears to have socialist undertones

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Logistics Activities of a Organization or of a Business Research Paper

The Logistics Activities of a Organization or of a Business - Research Paper Example In order to understand the particular challenges of the food retail business environment thoroughly, a good place to start is by examining the logistics activities of a supermarket chain. It is possible to establish how a business is able to create a profitable record by effective logistics and concentration on the delivery of desirable products in a â€Å"no-fuss† way and at competitive prices, to the average consumer.   In Ontario, Canada, a particularly well-known and widely supported brand of the supermarket is the Food Basics stores. The stores offer lower cost products across a wide range of products, with the particular focus on foodstuffs. National and international brands are carried as well as private in-store brand labels and offered in 117 stores across Ontario. Food Basics is owned by Metro, Inc. a major Canadian food and pharmaceutical company, which also owns Metro, Metro Plus, and Super C brands.   The central topic of this paper is the logistical activitie s involved in the retail sale of vegetable oil by Food Basics. Within the wider examination of â€Å"logistics† Demand Forecasting, Quality Control and Site Location with being looked at with a narrower focus. Vegetable oil will be considered on two levels: locally and internationally prepared canola oil; and internationally produced olive oil, as stocked by Food basics stores, and carried under their in-store labels.  Food Basics aims to provide lower-cost, high-quality food stuff to their customers.

Friday, November 1, 2019

How advertising has changed the perception of womens self-esteem Essay

How advertising has changed the perception of womens self-esteem - Essay Example This essay "How advertising has changed the perception of women’s self-esteem" describes the alteration in women’s self-esteem brought by the media and advertising as they experience great pressure to cope and adapt to the world around them. Contemporary western culture strongly eulogizes the virtues of products and interventions which seek to enhance one’s physical appearance, through aggressive advertisement campaigns aimed at appealing to the sensibilities of the vulnerable target groups – the female consumers. This is evident from the gamut of television advertisements promoting and advocating the merits of medical alterations and the use of cosmetic products which promises the proverbial "fountain of youth" to the ageing population, and enhanced sex appeal to the youth. Such an increased penetration of medical marketing and cosmetics as tools to increase one's social standing and elevate their likeability within the contemporary society has generated a greater awareness regarding such products and at the same time, significantly transformed the very definition of "ideal beauty". It now encompasses a term which refers to the achievement of unrealistic beauty standards which are acquired through the normalization of an individual's body which are in sync with the digitally enhanced images and those unattainable through natural means, i.e., cosmetic surgery. The fixation with slenderness as an ideal body type and an unrivalled eagerness to conform to the widely accepted social standards of beauty has provided an added boost to the cosmetics industry.